
<== Site of the Week for 2012-04-13 ==>

Wasatch Beers

Utah is noted for strange alcohol laws and for creating a political environment hostile to vinters and brewers. Those few brewers and vintners and brewers that survey the gauntlet of Utah regulations often end up with a world class product.

Wasatch Beers is a brew pub at the top of Main in Park City. Many of the beers carry names that reflect the outstanding wilderness and beauty of Utah. The site offers Slickrock Lager, Wasath Ale. The company often takes jabs at the local culture with brews that include Polygamy Porter (you will want more than one) and 1st Ammendment Lager.

The web site sells Wasatch Beer merchandise and lists its lunch and dinner menues.

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Site NameWasatch Beers
Review History2012-04-13
Category Park City, Utah: Night Life
Page Views15212
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