
<== Site Review (2018-06-25) ==>

Burt Brothers Tires

One associates the words "Park City, Utah" with movie stars, skiing and the apres ski scene. It is easy to forget that, just north of Park City, runs one of the major transportation arteries of US Interstate system.

Heading west, Park City is the last stop before mounting Parleys Summit and the 80 MPH death leap through Parleys Canyon to Salt Lake City. Heading East, Park City is a major stop before the long trek through the high country of Wyoming.

So, in addition to the ski scene, Summit County is an important link in the US transportation system, and a great many people are employed in Park City to keep the traffic moving.

Burt Brothers Tires is one of the companies in the Park City automotive industry. The picture shows Burt Brothers in Sugarhouse.

Burt Brothers - sugarhouse
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Site NameBurt Brothers Tires
Review History2007-07-27
Category Park City, Utah: Car
Page Views29603
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NextSpa Dr.

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