
<== Site of the Week for 2009-08-14 ==>

Swaner Nature Preserve

The Park City area is growing quickly. In order to preserve the high quality of life up here it is absolutely critical to conserve as much of the area's natural resources as possible.

Swaner Nature Preserve works to protect land in the Snyderville Basin. The tag line of the site is to education, preserve and nurture. The organization host education events including nature walks during the summer and Wednesday snowshoe walks and snowshoe stargazing excursions during the winter.

Fundraising events include items such as the Rhinestone Cowboy Gala which takes place in September.

Projects by the park include planting Cottonwoods, habitat enhancement, the revetment of East Canyon Creek and stream restoration.

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Site NameSwaner Nature Preserve
Review History2009-08-14
Category Park City, Utah: Conservation
Page Views11936
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