<== Site Review (2008-01-21) ==>
The Game of Work
Tom Sawyer learned that the way to get out of the whitewashing chore was to convince others that painting a fence was a game.
While Mr. Sawyer's motives may have been less than pure, others have learned that the secret to excelling at work is to make a game of work.
Game of Work is a team of business coaches (a fancy name for business consultant) that strives to encourage team work in a company. The Game of Work Web sites presents a few case studies and includes an extremely impressive client list which include top names such as Piggily Wiggily.
The company has published several volumes including Managing the Obvious and Game of Work by Charles A. Coonradt. You can buy directly from their site, or other online bookstores.
If you happen to be a corporate drudge toiling away in an office on some crowded city street in some nameless metropolis...you might want for forward this link to your boss. The site offers an executive retreat called Ski and Scheme which offers a balanced combination of seminars, skiing and apres ski.