
<== Site Review (2006-02-16) ==>

Park City Owners

So, you took out a big whopping mortgage and bought a condo in Park City. Now, you need some way to dig yourself out of debt and pay taxes.

Park City Owners is a web site that advertises vacation properties to let in the Park City area. I like this open format. The page includes good information on the properties and contact information for the property owner.

The site has one terrible flaw. It puts people's in plain HTML on their web page. That is the single worst design mistake that a web master can make. There's these spambots that crawl the web. They will get the email addresses off this site and inundate people with unsolicited email garbage. If you use this service, I would get a separate email address for the service.

Link Detailshelp
Site NamePark City Owners
Review History2006-02-16
Category Park City, Utah: Vacation Property
Page Views15527
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