
<== Site of the Week for 2005-06-03 ==>

This type of site is the whole reason that I went through the hassle of creating PCUT.Net.

mountain vista touring is a local business that provides guided tours of the high Wasatch Mountains. In the winter, the group offers snow shoe walking. In the summer, they offering hiking.

Far too many vacationers get caught up in the insanity of extreme sports. By making the vacation too intense, they miss the subtle beauty of the high country.

Hiking is, bar none, the best way to experience the Wasatch. The trails are steep and you get a workout. More to the point, walking puts you dead center in nature.

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Site Namemountain vista touring
Review History2005-06-03
Category Park City, Utah: Outfitters and Guides
Page Views19423
PreviousMountain Trails Foundation
NextPark City Stock Photography

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