
<== Site Review (2005-05-03) ==>

Most attorney web sites are simply brochures for services. I was impressed with the Strachan and Strachan P.C. site as they have taken the time to place reported decisions and other valuable information on their site. The reported decisions section lists legal briefs of interest to Park City. The briefs give the readers some idea about the workings of the court and the legal decisions which affect the Park City landscape.

The most interesting section of the site is the Civic Activities page which has two excellent articles on zoning. Both articles are fascinating reads.

Developers know that timing is everything...especially in a town with pronounced boom and bust development cycles like Park City. The Ripeness Doctrine explores the timing of zoning regulations and the filing or takings complaints.

The article on Concurrency Laws explores issues with public resources. This is where the zoning boards take into account natural resources and the impact development might have on schools, roads and other public facilities.

I felt that both articles were very objective, and I enjoyed reading about these important issues that affect Park City development without the confrontation rhetoric that exists in most editorials.

After reading the briefs, I have one simple comment: Dudes!!!! Keep it up. This is great stuff.

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Site NameStrachan and Strachan P.C.
Review History2005-05-03
Category Park City, Utah: Law
Page Views20177
PreviousReal Estate Appraisal
NextSki Property

DISCLAIMER: This review is about the web site. It is not a recommendation for a company or product. The goal of the Site of the Day review is simply to point out an interesting local web sites. View Site of the Day History. RSS Feed

NOTE: The site referenced on this page has no affiliation with CommunityColor.