
<== Site Review (2007-11-03) ==>

DaleBoot USA

If you want to start the ski season right; you really should consider getting custom designed boots. To really take control of the slope, boots need to be firm and tight. Ski boots have tighter tolerances than other shoes. Personally, I have these weird little web shaped feet with nobby ankles. I've often retreated from the slopes in defeat when the pain in my feet exceeded the pleasure of skiing.

DaleBootUSA is a pioneer is creating custom boots. They are from Salt Lake, but the idea of comfortable ski boots is so overpowering, that I broke the rules and list them in Park City. Apparently, Dale boots cost about $600.00 (out of the price range of a sore footed site of the day reviewer). The web site mentions that many people buy the boots through mail order, then get them adjusted when they visit Salt Lake for skiing.

If you are wondering, I finally got wearable boots by running around to garage sales until I finally found a pair of boots that were comfortable. Of course, my really comfortable boots blew up two years ago.

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Site NameDaleBootUSA
Review History2007-11-03
Category Park City, Utah: Sporting Goods
Page Views13696
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