
<== Site Review (2005-05-21) ==>

Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry

Today's SoD will keep you smiling. Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry is the site of Park City Dentist Kent M. Johnson, D.D.S.. Dr. Johnson has a teaching schedule along with the dental practice.

The site includes a before and after page to show what cosmetic dentistry could do (Austin Powers could use this guy). You know, prior to becoming a site of the day reviewer, I was a "before" model. They would take a picture of me, then a picture of some hot surfer dude then try to sell some sort of product. It was really quite successful.

Anyway, keeping your pearly whites bright and shiny is extremely important in a ski town, since the teeth are the only parts that show when you are on the slopes.

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Site NameAdvanced Cosmetic Dentistry
Review History2005-05-21
Category Park City, Utah: Health
Page Views19825
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