
<== Site of the Week for 2013-06-28 ==>

Slamdance Film Festival

The Slamdance Film Festival seems to coincide with other large film festivals in Park City. This festival concentrates on short films. The site has links to the different movies appearing in the festival. As such you will find a fun selection of online media. As Slamfest concentrates on shorter clips, this is a good place to find multimedia. The festival itself looks like a blast. The web site provides a good portal to some cutting edge multimedia.

Here is a trailer for "He's Way More Famous Than You." Can you like imagine that you are way famous but there are others who are like more way famous. Yeah, it would be like that.

Spotlight: HE'S WAY MORE FAMOUS THAN YOU from Slamdance on Vimeo.

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Site NameSlamdance Film Festival
Review History2013-06-28
Category Park City, Utah: Film
Page Views17120
NextPark City Sailing

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