
<== Site Review (2008-02-05) ==>

The Colony

The Colony has a nicely designed flash site to introduce this private gated community near Park City. The web site includes some really nice features like the Interactive Map of Phase 4 which lets you click and view detials about the different lots in this phase of the development. The information pages for the lots include a popup for virtual tours developed by of Scottsdale.

Casual web surfers will enjoy the slideshow page which cycles through pictures of the development.

I have to admit, my fragile nature loving heart has a hard time digesting the rapid sprawl consuming our mountains. My communitarian spirit also bucks at the idea of our society partitioning itself off into gated communities.

Just a reminder, the purpose of SoD reviews is not to sell stuff. It is to talk about design and ideas. This is an well designed web site, selling well designed homes. Designwise, the Colony provides some of the best that Park City has to offer. I would also like to provoke thought, so opened a forum discussion on gated communities.

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Site NameColony, The
Review History2008-02-05
Category Park City, Utah: Condos/Developments
Page Views11391
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NOTE: The site referenced on this page has no affiliation with CommunityColor.