
<== Site Review (2017-04-10) ==> is a leader in affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a method for measuring the effectiveness of internet ads. In this game, a merchant establishes relations with web sites. In mass affiliate marketing, merchants establish relations with thousands of sites.

Each site is given a unique key that they use in links to the merchant. Merchants will credit a sale to the affiliate if they can trace the sale to the unique key.

FWIW: engages in affiliate marketing. The links with (++) next to their name are affiliate links. If you click on a link with the (++) and buy something from the site, I get a commission from the sale.

Affiliate marketing is not a lucrative business for affiliates. My experience is that it takes 100 page views to get a hit. It takes a little over 100 hits to get a sale. The commissions on sales usually hover around $3.00. $3.00 for every ten thousand page views does not add up to much money.

This directory has had about 1 million page views in the last seven years years. It has made about $400 in sales. If you minus the hosting costs, it comes out as a wash.

Avantlink has developed a reputation as one of the most ethical affiliate marketer. They've taken a proactive stance against parasiteware and other negatives of the industry.

Avantlink includes funcationality to help merchants manage campaigns over multiple affiliate networks.

The company concentrates heavily on outdoor merchatns such as, Al's Sports, etc.. The company manages affiliate relations for other top local merchants including SkullCandy.

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Review History2014-07-07
Category Park City, Utah: Marketing
Page Views26076
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DISCLAIMER: This review is about the web site. It is not a recommendation for a company or product. The goal of the Site of the Day review is simply to point out an interesting local web sites. View Site of the Day History. RSS Feed

DISCLOSURE: This page links to an affiliated merchanthelp of CommunityColor. I might benefit from sales generated by this page.