
<== Site Review (2005-10-11) ==>

The ski season is just around the corner; So it is time to get in a little bit of training... and what better way to train the mind than to read about cross country skiing? is an online magazine for the cross country crowd.

The magazine focussing on masters cross country skiing. It includes interviews with master skiers (many of them from Park City). Articles on training and it covers ski marathons and the world cup.

Overall, fastskier provides great information about both the sport and the people living the sport and deserves a spot on the old favorite's list.

Well, I've got my exercise for the day reading about cross country skiing, now I will treat myself to reading the dessert menu from a local restaurant.

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Review History2005-10-11
Category Park City, Utah: Skiing
Page Views16977
PreviousNatasha Lloyd
NextWasatch Inspections

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